Hon. Ginger Onwusibe’s Bill For Aba State Creation Passes First Reading

The House of Representatives has seen the first reading of the Aba State Creation Bill, sponsored by Hon. Ginger Onwusibe and three other representatives. This bill aims to establish Aba State, enhancing development and balancing the number of states in the South East region.


Abuja, Nigeria — In a significant development in Nigerian politics, the bill for the creation of Aba State, sponsored by Hon. Ginger Onwusibe, alongside Hon. Munachim Alozie, Hon. Chris Nkwonta, and Hon. Ifeanyi Ikwechegh, has successfully passed its first reading in the House of Representatives. This proposed bill aims to establish Aba State, thereby increasing the total number of states in the South East region to six, aligning it with other geopolitical zones in Nigeria.


The proposed Aba State would comprise nine Local Government Areas: Aba North, Aba South, Isiala Ngwa North, Isiala Ngwa South, Obingwa, Osisioma Ngwa, Ugwunagbo, Ukwa East, and Ukwa West. This strategic move is expected to catalyze significant development in the South East, fostering economic growth and opening up opportunities for building mega cities, commerce, and industries.


“Creating Aba State is not just about increasing the number of states in the South East; it’s about driving development and creating opportunities for our people,” said Hon. Ginger Onwusibe. The bill, when passed into law, is anticipated to balance the state distribution across Nigeria’s geopolitical zones, where some regions currently have more than six states.


The creation of Aba State is expected to bring numerous benefits, including enhanced local governance, improved resource allocation, and increased economic activities. It will provide a framework for infrastructural development, better administrative efficiency, and a boost to the region’s socio-economic landscape. The bill also aims to leverage Aba’s historical and commercial significance, transforming it into a hub for industry and trade.


“Aba State will not only benefit the South East but the entire nation,” Onwusibe added. The bill’s sponsors believe that establishing the new state will encourage balanced development, promote national unity, and create more equitable opportunities for all Nigerians.


As the bill progresses through the legislative process, stakeholders and citizens are watching closely, hoping for a favorable outcome that will see the realization of Aba State. The journey ahead includes subsequent readings, committee reviews, and ultimately, the support of both the legislative and executive arms of government.


This move by Hon. Ginger Onwusibe and his colleagues reflects a deep commitment to addressing regional imbalances and fostering inclusive growth. It is a significant step toward actualizing the aspirations of the people of the South East and ensuring that the benefits of governance and development are evenly distributed across the nation.


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